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Tensegrity MedicineTM In Stanwood, WA

Understanding How A Tensegrity Medicine Session Works

The flow of the session is geared uniquely to the needs of the client. Beginning with a structural-functional evaluation which allows us to find the areas of greatest myofascial restriction  - often the cause or contributor to clients' pain. The picture at the upper right helps demonstrates the effect that tension places on the body.


Based on our findings, Bowenwork and/or other techniques will be used with pauses, allowing the body time to integrate the stimulus of the move. During this time clients often note a deep sense of relaxation and calm. Following treatment, walking is used as a method for the body to integrate the work. 


We will then re-evaluate how your system has responded to the therapy. We use movement to "talk" to your neuromuscular system. We will offer suggestions for home movement that will continue to reinforce the gains made during our session.


Together we will explore how diet, sleep, exercise, mental habits and patterns of use may be affecting your current concerns. Then we can strategize opportunities to support your healing and overall wellness. 


For your visit, wear comfortable clothing that allows for movement. Plan on an hour and a quarter for your appointment. See the Services tab for pricing.


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"Annie’s combination of her trainings and experience, Cardiac RN for 28 years and since 2015 her education and practice of Tensegrity Medicine has allowed me to access and release deeper layers of structural compensation from past injuries.

I appreciate her calm, curious and patient manner. I highly recommend Annie’s expertise! Especially if you have received other treatment and currently are not functioning as you would like."


Nancy, LMT since 1985
Bowen Specialist since 2004

More About Tensegrity....

Live View of Fascia

by Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau



“Biotensegrity” is a term that is derived from R. Buckminster Fuller’s architectural concept of “Tensegrity,” which he coined in the 1940’s.  It is associated with Kenneth Snelson’s sculptural concept of “floating compression” of the late 1940’s.  The term “Biotensegrity” was coined by Stevin Levin, MD in the late 1980’s. Donald Ingbar, MD, has performed further academic research of Biotensegrity down to the tissue, cellular, and subcellular levels.


Clinical Biotensegrity is a relatively new medical concept that helps to define musculoskeletal balance and healthy function–as well as musculoskeletal imbalance and dysfunction. Ideal musculoskeletal balance and healthy function is often disturbed by overwhelming, repetitive, natural wear-and-tear physical forces (e.g., gravity and muscular movement or tension) resulting in predictable, but often missed, musculoskeletal injury, pain and dysfunction. Aside from normal wear-and-tear, accidents, sports, and occupational injuries also contribute as major causes to disrupted Biotensegrity balance.


Gary B. Clark, MD, MPA, AAOM

Editor of the Journal of Clinical Biotensegrity

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