Bowenwork Integrative Health
Specializing in Tensegrity Medicine TM
Free 20 minute consultation phone calls
425 308 1384

Covid-19 Considerations
Welcome back!
Last updated September 14, 2023
Covid-19 has changed how we live and how we work. Let me share with you our latest guidelines for Licensed Massage Therapist in Washington state.
Bowenwork Integrative Health is subject to the Washington State Department of Health and CDC guidelines.
Face masks - I continue to wear a mask. You may be asked to wear a mask in your session.
All surfaces will be cleaned with an EPA-registered disinfectant between each session, per CDC guidelines.
In addition, all high-touch surfaces coming in and exiting building, session room and restroom will be cleaned between clients.
Windows in session room will be opened for 30 minutes during session and between clients.
HEPA air purifier in room.
Practitioner self-monitors for the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 every day and as necessary advise any clients who may have been exposed.