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Ligament Stimulation In Stanwood, WA

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Ligament Stimulation is a gentle light touch manual therapy approach that treats the body via ligament tractioning and muscle energy techniques.


Ligament Stimulation within the Tensegrity Medicine™ methodology utilizes diagnostic orthopedic and myofascial testing strategies to determine where the connective tissue restrictions lie within the myofascial meridians.


This approach allows the therapist to use a gentle but effective approach that facilitates neuromuscular retraining to facilitate long term change in postural patterns.

How Was Ligament Stimulation Developed?

Influencing muscular tone via the ligament system was first introduced as the Logan Basic Technique, developed by Hugh B. Logan in the early 1900's. The Logan Basic utilized directional pressure to the sacrotuberous ligament, thereby reducing hypertonicity in the para-spinal musculature. This technique is still used within the chiropractic community to reduce muscular tone prior to spinal adjustments.


Until recently, medical science had regarded the primary role of the ligament system as a stabilizing system attaching bone to bone, thus not considering it for a primary tissue in manual therapy interventions. Scientists, specializing in the latest fascial research, are discovering the contribution of proprioceptive feedback found within the ligament system and a major role that they play in influencing tension patterns within the nervous and myofascial systems.


These mechanoreceptors within the ligament structures provide feedback to the central nervous system and the surrounding muscles, determining tissue tension and joint positioning.

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